Newborn Girl Session ~ Rhode Island Newborn Photographer
One more brand new baby girl from Rhode Island I got to meet. I’ve come to realize that the ideal age for newborn photos is within the 2 week mark. Babies are still sleepy by then, and much easier to pose. This little one slept through her session and we were done within 2 hours.
Surrounded by lady bugs and poppies! Perfectly matching her headband.
I love blues with little girls. My hydrangeas had just bloomed, so I had to use them. They didn’t disappoint! Tap right to see for yourself ;)
I provide everything for all newborns sessions. Blankets, wraps, headbands, hats... I have it all! I’m happy to incorporate personal items as well though! The blue & black tutu and headband was bought by grandma. I’m sure she’ll love the picture we got for her!
I’m glad I got to use this new bed prop below. It would be great for sitters too! The outfit is a new one as well, very cute and dainty for little girls.
And here’s a smile and and smirk that will melt your heart!
And finally, a few more from the last set of Hattie’s session!
Contact me if you’re expecting and would like to book a Newborn Session! I’m currently booking late August & September due dates.
Welcome little brother!
I loved our session with this cute family. So so sweet!
Xmas pictures in the Fall!
What a cute little family! And a perfect evening for pictures!
One Whaley Fun Birthday Session!
Mr. Grayson is ONE!
I feel like I just took his newborn pictures, but one whole year flew by! Mommy picked a great theme and I was so happy to put everything together for her!
Pink & Gold Cake Smash for this pretty girl!
Celebrating this little one’s 1st birthday with a pink and gold themed cake smash and a vintage bath!
This little one had so much fun with her cupcake celebrating her upcoming birthday! We finished up her session with a bath to clean up all that yummy frosting! She loved all the rubber duckies :)
Sweet Little Thomas' Newborn Pictures!!
#jennydionphotography, #richildrensphotographer
Thomas was one month old by the time we were able to take his pictures. He slept for about 30 seconds ;). He was very alert and didn't want to miss a thing!
Ben is turning 1!
This handsome boy is turning one and we had a cake smash and splash to celebrate his upcoming birthday!
"Finding Nemo" Cake Smash & Splash!
Such a cute little family of 3!
The sun was playing peek-a-boo with us that day but we finished with our shoot right before the rain started coming down!
Kaylee's Senior Session
Such a fun session!!
Kaylee is graduating High School in 2018. She loves children, and wants to persue Early Childhood Education in College. She is also one of the top distance runners in the state!!! We met at Lincoln Woods for a fun & girly shoot that showed off her personality :).
Avery turns ONE!
Avery was just so happy to pose for me, smash her cake and splash around in the tub in the end! Happy birthday sweet girl!
I haven't photographed that many cake smashes yet but Avery's was my absolute favorite! She kept her smiley face the whole time! Such a happy birthday girl!